Easy Pickings
Hi Guest's and Students...
Easy pickings today...you just had to be patient, and remember set-up's and Strategies that we see everyday.
We had more trades today in the Hotcomm room in a long time...they are better at seeing these set-up's in anticipation -- that way they pull the trigger without emotions playing such a big part of being a day trader. Just look at the chart and I'm sure you will see what we recognized as simple as 123 set-up's.
- 10:30 Reverse which included the MA Strategy
- A 1-2-3 top formation that we call an " M " Pattern. This was in the time zone where in the last two years the ES has pulled back. It was a piece of cake -- like taking candy from (whomever).
- We had a great lesson on trading the triple tops...just by looking at the color of the candles, and then before we knew it we got the same pattern going back the other way...how simple was that lesson.
The chart shows most of the trades we took today...check out our room and see what your missing.
Your Thoughts...
Just a thought...
He who believes ... is strong; he who doubts ... is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.
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Nexgen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for TradeStation 8 & eSignal, version - 22 May 2007 (www.nss-t3.com) - $15000 $300 - screenshots.
KwikPOP 6.1 for TradeStation 8 + Manual (www.kwikpop.com) - $200
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Tradestation 8.3 Build 1419 (www.tradestation.com) - $100
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[COLOR="Red"][U]7 DVD's FOR ONLY $1000[/U][/COLOR]
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Trading Software DVD - $250
TradeStation DVD - $300
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Trading Books DVD - $100
[U][B]New Trading Software DVD[/B][/U]
Advanced GET 9.1 EOD Dashboard Edition (tradingtech.com)
Alyuda Tradecision Pro RT 3.0.117 (tradecision.com)
AmiBroker 4.90.5 (amibroker.com)
AmiBroker Pro 4.80.2 (amibroker.com)
AmiQuote 1.92 (amibroker.com)
ATS-3200 Trading System 1.3 (ats3200.com)
ATS-6400 Trading System 1.3 (ats3200.com)
Automatic Pattern Search 4.8 (tradingpatterns.com)
BestChoice 4.0 (bestchoicesoftware.com)
cpFinder 5.0.3 (www.cpfinder.com)
DeepInsight Pro 9.5 RT (deepinsight.com)
Dynamic Trader 5 (dynamictraders.com)
ELWAVE RT 7.6 (prognosis.nl)
Ensign August 28, 2006 Multifeed Version (ensignsoftware.com)
Excel Business Tools 21-Dec-2006 (business-spreadsheets.com)
FINCAD Developer (fincad.com)
FINCAD XL 9.1 (fincad.com)
Gannalyst Pro 5 (gannalyst.com)
Investor RT 8.5.5 for DTN.IQ, IB TWS, Quote.com, eSignal (linnsoft.com)
KwikPOP for NinjaTrader 6 (April 2007) (kwikpop.com)
Market Trader Platinum - January 17, 2006 (alphee.com)
MarketDelta Pro 8.5.5 DTN.IQ (www.marketdelta.com)
MarketDelta Pro 8.5.5 eSignal (www.marketdelta.com)
MarketWarrior 4.0.177 (mikulaforecasting.com)
MBRM - MB Risk Management 10 for Excel (mbrm.com)
MetaTrader 4 Data - MTPredictor EOD
MetaTrader 4 Data - Wave59
MTPredictor EOD + Trading Course (mtpredictor.com)
MTPredictor 5.0.90 EOD + Trading Course (mtpredictor.com)
MultiCharts 1.90.449.1165 (tssupport.com)
Neuroshell DayTrader Pro 5.0 (neuroshell.com)
NeuroSolutions 5.05 (nd.com)
OmniTrader Pro 2007 Reliase 2 + Plug-ins (omnitrader.com)
OptionGrid 2.0 (optiongrid.com)
Pattern Explorer for AmiBroker (patternexplorer.com)
Ramp 5.202 (nebadawn.com)
Field-Installable Solver Engines 7.0 (solver.com)
Premium Solver Platform 6.5 with Engines 6.5 for Excel (solver.com)
Premium Solver Platform 7.0 for Excel (solver.com)
Risk Solver Engine 7.0 for Excel (solver.com)
StataSearch 3.01j (stratasearch.com)
The FX Turning Point Indicators Suite for VT-Trader (tradecurrency.ca)
Track 'n Trade Pro (geckosoftware.com)
TradeGuider 2.5.3 EOD (tradeguider.com)
TradeGuider 2.5.3 eSignal (tradeguider.com)
TradingBlox Builder 2.0.2 (tradingblox.com)
TradingSolutions RT 4 Build 060808 + SDK's (nd.com)
TradingSolutions RT 4 Build 070123 (nd.com)
TrendSimplicity (trendsimplicity.com)
Vantage Point 7 (All Modules) (profittaker.com)
Volume Spread Analysis RT(www.tradetowin.com)
Wave59 2.13 RT (wave59.com)
Index-Lab for Wealth-Lab Developer v3.0.1
Jurik Indicators Add-In for Wealth-Lab Developer
Monte Carlo-Lab for Wealth-Lab Developer v3.0.2
Neuro-Lab for Wealth-Lab Developer v3.0.4
Scripts for Wealth-Lab Developer
Wealth-Lab Developer 4.0.2 (wealth-lab.com)
Wealth-Lab Pro 4.3.36 (wealth-lab.com)
[B]eSignal EFS Studies[/B]
Bryce Gilmores WaveTrader 2004 for eSignal, open code (wavetrader2004.com)
DecisionBar 2.0 for eSignal, open code (decisionbar.com)
DecisionBar 2.4 for eSignal + Manual (open source code) (decisionbar.com)
EZ2 Trade Charting Collection by Raghee Horner, open code (ez2tradesoftware.com)
Hawkeye Trading for eSignal, open code (hawkeyetrading.co.uk)
Jan Arp's Traders Toolbox Crown Jewels for eSignal, open code (janarps.com)
KwikPOP 4.1 for eSignal + Manual (06.12.2006) (kwikpop.com)
MTPredictor Extensions 8 for Esignal (mtpredictor.com)
Nexgen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for TS8 + Manual (28.10.2006) (www.nss-t3.com)
Roy Kelly - Floor Trader Tools 8.2 for eSignal, open code (roykelly.info)
WaveTracker Pro 6.36 for eSignal, open code (tic2tic.com)
[B]MetaTrader Studies index[/B]
Unsorted Metatrade Studies ~ 80 Mb.
Automoney 1,2,3,4 for MT4 (forex-soft.netfirms.com)
BrainTrading 7.0 FIX for MT4 (braintrading.com)
Central Pips for MT4 (centralpips.com)
eASCTrend Experts for MT4
eASCTrend Indicators for MT4
EuroX2 Expert Advisor for MT4 (forex-soft.netfirms.com)
Vermillion FX Trading System for MT4 (elitefxsystems.com)
WalkByTrend Expert Advisors for MT4 (forex-soft.netfirms.com)
Trading Software DVD
Advanced GET - Manuals
Advanced GET EOD 8.0 (tradingtech.com)
Advanced GET RT 1.2.165 for Quote.com (tradingtech.com)
Advanced GET RT 1.3.320 for eSignal (tradingtech.com)
Advanced GET RT 1.3.396 for Tradestation 2000 (tradingtech.com)
Athena Money Management 4.0.01 (iitm.com)
Attrasoft Predictor 2.6 (attrasoft.com)
Aztec - Stand Alone Version (trade-system.com)
Bull's-Eye Broker Pro v3.50 (archeranalysis.com)
Candelstick Forecaster Samurai 2.1.3 (highestsummit.com)
CycleTimer v1.1.2 (cycle-trader.com)
Danalyzer EuroChart 2.12M
DeepInsight RT Pro 8.1 (deepinsight.com)
Delta Graphics EOD Forex 1.0 build 3.12 (deltasociety.com)
Delta Graphics Intraday Forex 1.0 build 3.19 + Book (deltasociety.com)
Dynamic Gann Levels
Dynamic Gann Levels for Excel
Dynamic Trader 4.0.78 EOD and Quote.com with Trading Course (dynamictraders.com)
eASCTrend Pro 6.0 (ablesys.com)
Elliott Wave Analizer 4.0.4 (elliottician.com)
Elliott Wave Analyzer 3.3042 (elliottwaveresearch.com)
Elwave RT 7.1 (prognosis.nl)
Ensign Internet (ensignsoftware.com)
Ensign Windows for eSignal (ensignsoftware.com)
Erlangerquote v2.17 for Quote.com
eVantage v1.0.3 (swannell.net)
Evolution-Trader v4.0 De (bn-tec.com)
FibNodes 5.1.2 (fibtrader.com)
Fibonacci Symmetrical Trader 1.77
Fibonacci-Galactic Trader RT 4.0 R55 (fibonaccitrader.com)
Financial Trader by AIR Software (alphee.com)
Gann Calculator 1.0 (basetech.com.au)
Gann Master for Excel
Gann Suite 1.1.08 (basetech.com.au)
Gann Wheel 1.2.11 beta 2 (globalviewtech.com)
GannTrader 3.007 (gannsoft.com)
HotTrader 2.08
I-Master. Stand Alone Version (trade-system.com)
Indigo Investment Software 2001 (indigohelp.com)
International Market Calculator v10.9.0 (intermarketcal.com)
Investor's Dream 1.99.1 RT (profitunity.com)
Investor's Toolkit v4.0 CD (investware.com)
LifeStyle Trader v1.2.1
Mesa 2002 v6 (mesasoftware.com)
Microsoft Visio v2002 Final
MTPredictor RT 4.0.14 for eSignal (mtpredictor.com)
MTPredictor RT&EOD 3.6.6 (mtpredictor.com)
MTPredictor RT&EOD 3.8 (mtpredictor.com)
MTPredictor Trading Course (mtpredictor.com)
Nivarna VisualTrader (visualtrader.com)
NNoracle 1.076a
OmniTrader 2005 (All Versions and Plugins Enabled) (omnitrader.com)
Pattern Forecaster Plus 2.01c (ment.com)
Pattern Smasher v2.06a (kasanjianresearch.com)
Patterns (analysis-knowledge.com)
Performance I v2.6 (inc. ela)
Precision Trader Pro v4.0 build 540 (precisiontrader.com)
Professional TradeAdvisor 5 (stelaronline.com)
Profit Maker v2.1.0.20 (axolot.com)
Prostock 2000 Forecaster v3.06 (prostock2000.com)
Ramp 4.1 build 1 (nebadawn.com)
Refined Elliott Trader 1.0.9 (elliottician.com)
Stock Predictor 1.1.237 (ashkon.com)
Stock Watch Pro 1.0 for eSignal (crontech.com)
Stock Watch Pro v2.3.1 for Quote.com (crontech.com)
StrataSearch 2.01f (stratasearch.com)
TESS - Trading Edge Strategy Software 2.025 (tessonline.net)
The Collective v2.1.16 (internationaltrading.com)
Time Trader Pro 3.0 (acrotec.com)
TradeSim v4.2.2.685 Final (paritech.com)
Trading Edge Strategy Software (TESS) v2.0.05 (tessonline.net)
Trading Recipes v4.09 (tradingrecipes.com)
Trading Solutions 3.1.051209 (nd.com)
Unfair Advantage v1.72.1 (csidata.com)
Vantage Point 6.31 Intermarket Analysis Software (profittaker.com)
Vantage Point for Commodities 6 (profittaker.com)
WaveTrader - CycleTrader 2000 by Bryce Gilmore
WinWawes32 1.3.25 (internationaltrading.com)
WizeTrade 7.0.17 (wizetrade.com)
Artificial Intelligence
Alyuda Forecaster XL v2.3 for Excel (alyuda.com)
Alyuda NeuroIntelligence v2.1.526 (alyuda.com)
ANNI v2.06 - Artificial Neural Network Investing (neuralinvesting.com)
BioComp iModel Pro v1.0 (bio-comp.com)
BioComp MicroPredictor ActiveX Neural Component (bio-comp.com)
BioComp NeuroGenetic Optimizer Pro v2.6.142 (bio-comp.com)
BioComp PowerIndicator Downloader v1.0.51 (bio-comp.com)
BioComp Profit 2002 (bio-comp.com)
BrainCel 3 for Excel (promland.com)
BrainMaker Plus GTO MMX v3.72 (calsci.com)
CubiCalc v2.0f (By HyperLogic)
Excel Neural Package Rus (neurok.ru)
Fuzzle v3.0
FuzzySearch v1.0 Rus (basegroup.ru)
fuzzyTECH v5.52g (fuzzytech.com)
GeneMiner 2002 (kdiscovery.com)
Genetic Pattern Finder Pro 1.513 for Excel (foretrade.com)
INtelliVEST Suite 2001 CD - NeuroForecaster, Genetica NetBuilder, VisuaData (kdiscovery.com)
NeuNet Pro v2.1 (cormactech.com)
NeuroShell 2 v3 Rus (neuroproject.ru)
NeuroShell 2 v4.0 (wardsystems.com)
NeuroShell Classifier v2.0 (wardsystems.com)
NeuroShell DayTrader Professional (wardsystems.com)
NeuroShell Genehunter v2 Rus (wardsystems.com)
NeuroShell Predictor v2.0 (wardsystems.com)
NeuroShell Trader Add-Ons (wardsystems.com)
NeuroSolutions 5.02 Developer (nd.com)
NeuroStock v2.400 (neurostock.com)
NeuroWindows v4.6 Rus (neuroproject.ru)
PsychoNet V3R2 (imprintsoftware.com)
SAFIR-X Assistant for Expert Traders v3.4 (sirtrade.com)
SAFIR-Xp v1.0.1.42 with SirTrade2000 for TradeStation 2000 (sirtrade.com)
WaveFin - Wavelets for Finance (corniceresearch.com)
Data Mining
Advanced Grapher v1.63 (serpik.com)
Analytica v2.0.5 (lumina.com)
CaterpillarSSA Pro v3.1 En-Ru (gistagroup.com)
Chameleon Statistics v1.21 (seventh-sense-software.com)
DATA Pro v1.0.2 (treeage.com)
DataFit v8.0.32 (curvefitting.com)
Dataplore v2.0-9 (datan.de)
Deductor Lite v2.0 Rus (basegroup.ru)
Deduktor Pro v1.0 Rus (basegroup.ru)
eXY v1.6.1 (exyonline.com)
Forecast Expert v1.03 Rus
Fractan v4.4 Rus
Gemini Unified Datamining System v1.1.7 (snowtide.com)
Ithink Analyst v5.0 (hps-inc.com)
KyPlot v3.0.1 (kyence.com)
Maple 6.0.16401
MARS v2.0 (stalford-systems.com)
Mathematica v5.0 (wolfram.com)
Mathsoft Mathcad Pro v2001 inc. Rus, Add-ins (mathsoft.com)
Mathsoft S-PLUS 2000 Pro (mathsoft.com)
Mathworks MatLab v6.5 R13 with Doc CD (mathworks.com)
MiniTab v13.32 (minitab.com)
MR Finance (multiresolution.com)
PolyAnalyst v4.2.317 (megaputer.com)
SPSS allCLEAR v5.0 (proquis.com)
SPSS Answer Tree v3.0 (spss.com)
SPSS Science SigmaPlot 2001 v7.101 (spss.com)
SPSS v11.0.1 (spss.com)
Stata v6.0 (stata.com)
STATISTICA Neural Networks v4.0e (statsoft.com)
STATISTICA v6.0 En-Ru-De (statsoft.com)
Viscovery SOMine v3.0 Standard (unisoftwareplus.com)
Analyse-IT v1.68 (analyse-it.com)
Crystal Ball Pro v7.2.104.0 (decisioneering.com)
Jurik for Excel (jurikresearch.com)
NeuroXL Classifer v1.0 (analyzerxl.com)
NeuroXL Predictor v1.1 (analyzerxl.com)
PackageXL v2002 (analyzerxl.com)
Palisade @RISK v4.5.2 with RISKOptimizer v1.0.5 Ind.ed (palisade.com)
Palisade BestFit v4.5.2 (palisade.com)
Palisade BestFit v4.5.5 (palisade.com)
The Risk Analyzer v7.4.98 (add-ins.com)
TraderXL Pro Package v5.4 (analyzerxl.com)
Trading Target Calculator (tradingthingys.com)
XLSTAT Pro v2006.06 (addinssoft.com)
XLTradeLink v2.16 (xlchartpro.iinet.net.au)
GTS Options Calculator (gtsresearch.net)
Option Guru 1.04 (pacifer.com~briscoe)
Option Master 1.42 (options-inc.com)
Option Simulator RT 3.4.2 (bayoptions.com)
OptionGrid 1.6 (optiongrid.com)
OptionVue 5 1.591 (optionvue.com)
Visual Options Analyzer 2.0.39 (voptions.com)
Continuum Client SDK (quote.com)
DDE Links Rus
DDEChartUpdater v1.3 (trading-tools.com)
Dynaloader 2 [2002.09.17] for eSignal (dynastoresoftware.com)
Dynaloader for eSignal (Metastock Ed.) (dynastoresoftware.com)
Dynaorder HOST 3.08 build 20050301 (dynaorder.com)
Dynastore for Quotespeed v5 build 20010720 (dynastorelight.com)
Dynastore LE for FXCM build 20050221 (dynastoresoftware.com)
Dynastore LE for Metatrader 3 v1.7 build 20050221 (dynastoresoftware.com)
Dynastore Light for QuoteSpeed, SatQuote v.4 SP1 build 2120
Dynastore Pro v2.0.1 build 1218
Metaserver RT v2.0 for Quote.com (traders-soft.com)
Metaserver RT v2.0 Light DDE (traders-soft.com)
Metaserver RT v2.0 Pro DDE (traders-soft.com)
QCollector Pro v1.1.0 build 46 for eSignal (mechtrading.com)
QCollector v2.5.3 build 26 for QChart (mechtrading.com)
Quotes - Downloaders
DataBull v2.2.3 (databull.com)
Historical Quotes Downloader 7 NSE India Edition (islindia.com)
Historical Quotes Downloader v1.17 (ashkon.com)
HQuote Pro Downloader v6.70 (hquotes.com)
Internet Data Loader v4.4.4 Rus (fxclub.org)
MetaQuote v1.14 (quotedownloader.cjb.net)
MLDownloader (trading-tools.com)
Quote Downloader v2.1 (faircon.com)
Quotelf Center v4.31 (hquotes.com)
RTQDownloader v1.3 (trading-tools.com)
Quotes - Ticker Bars
Duke - The Portfolio Watchdog v1.5.0 (1010software.com)
Personal Stock Monitor Gold v5.1.9.248 (dtlink.com)
Quote Ticker Bar v6.1 (starfire-inc.com)
Stock Manager v4.33 for Pocket PC (tinystocks.com)
Wall Street Explorer v1.13 (latte.com)
WinStock Pro v2.3.1 (winstocksw.com)
TradeStation DVD
3D1 for Excel (tssupport.com)
Bid-Trade Convertor
ELA-ELS Password Unlockers
HistoryCentre 2.0 for XPO (traders-soft.com)
HyperOrder for Tradestation (hypertrader.it)
HyperServer Lite 2005 for TS2000 (metatrader edition) (hypertrader.it)
HyperTools PE 2.00.131 Commercial Version (hypertrader.it)
MultiFeed Server for TS2000 (hypertrader.it)
Omega Research Prosuite 2000i 5.00.0822 (tradestation.com)
Owndata 2.5.789.787 (tssupport.com)
Rina - Manuals (rinafinancial.com)
Rina 3D SmartView 2000 build 0075 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Dynamic Zone Indicator for TS (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Money Manager 2000 build 0117 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Money Manager 7 build 0312 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Evaluator 2000 build 0162 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Evaluator 7 build 325 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Selector Pro 1 build 0015 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Stream 2001 buid 0079 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Stream 4.5 build 0132 for TS 7,8 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portfolio Tracker 2000 build 0058 (rinafinancial.com)
Rina Portofolio Stream 6 (rinafinancial.com)
SAFIR-Xp 1.0 with Sirtrade2000 for Tradestation 2000 (sirtrade.com)
SAFIR-Xp 1.5 with Sirtrade2000 for Tradestation 8 (sirtrade.com)
Tradestation 8.2 Build 3863 (tradestation.com)
ASCII Data, September 2006
Dow Jones Industrial Components
George Pruitt - Building Winning Trading Systems with Tradestation (with CD)
Jack Schwager's Complete Guide to Designing and Testing Trading Systems (Lessons) (omegaresearch.com)
Omega Research - Trading for a Living Seminar (omegaresearch.com)
System Trading & Development Club on CD (tradestation.com)
Trading Video Seminar TradeStation Easy Language by Bill Cruz (omegaresearch.com)
How to Import more 1000 Stock in TradeStation
Data Bank Loader for Globalserver 2.2.033 (alpari-idc.com)
Forexite QuoteRoom (forexite.com)
IDLoader 4.4.9 (fxclub.org)
300+ Mb Unsorted Studies for TradeStation
TOP TradeStation Systems DVD
$VPI_3 and $VTL Indicators for TS (velocitrade.com)
%C DayBreaker (traderassist.com)
AATS CanOpen System for Russel Index (accuratetradingsystems.com)
AATS Systems (DEMO1, DOG DAY, PHINO Forex, PHINO, SWING) (accuratetradingsystem.com)
Aberration (trade-system.com)
Aberration Plus (trade-system.com)
Advanced GET RT 1.3.396 TS2000 (tradingtech.com)
Amcan ProSys Indicator Suite + AmCan Pro Trader Main and Bonus Indicators (amcan.net)
Amcan ProSys Suite (Scalp, Swing, Forex, Position modules) (amcan.net)
Andromeda II Trading System (andromedafutures.com)
Anomaly 1 Trading System (longtermtrading.com)
Anomaly 2 Trading System (longtermtrading.com)
ART Indicators (traderscoach.com)
ASCTrend 3.03 + Manual (ablesys.com)
ASCtrend 3.03 for TS 2000i 3.03 v2006 (ablesys.com)
ASCTrend 3.51 for TS open code (no DLL-permanent crack) (ablesys.com)
ASCTrend 3.51 for TS8 + Manual (11.14.2006) (ablesys.com)
ASCtrend 3.51 for TS8 v2007 open code (ablesys.com)
Atlas-35 System (trading-systems.info)
ATS-3200 (traderassist.com)
Automatic Fibonacci Cluster Indicator (feargreed.com)
AXIOM Index Swing System (tradingvisions.com)
Basis II Trading System (alfaranda.com)
Brain Trading System 7.0 (braintrading.com)
Bricks Indicator (tradethemarkets.com)
Builder & Shockwave Systems (keenercapital.com)
BWT Trend Indicators II (bluewavetrading.com)
BWT Zones SP 3.0 (bluewavetrading.com)
Cable24 System (fx-signals.com)
Checkmate Trading System (traderstech.net)
Clyde Lee - SwingMachine (theswingmachine.com)
Cobalt ND DayTrading System (tradingvisions.com)
Compass SP Trading System (marinertrading.com)
Dale Legan's Confluence Indicator
DeltaT1 Trend Indicator (deltat1.com)
Dennis Meyers - Advanced Short Term Systems & Indicators 1.01 (meyersanalytics.com)
Dennis Meyers - Short Term Systems & Indicators 2 (meyersanalytics.com)
Dennis Meyers - Super Walk Forward Optimizer (meyersanalytics.com)
Diverg Engine 2001 (insideedge.net)
Dollar Trader System 4.4 (dollartrader.com)
EarlyBird III DayTrading System (tradingvisions.com)
Emini DayTrader Series (Eagle, Dragon, Raven) (smartetrades.com)
EntryPoint Full Package (softwaresolutions-inc.com)
ETS Trading System by Michael Mermer (traderssoftware.com)
Euro Metrics (advanzteam.com)
EuroTrader (fx-signals.com)
FXDynamics (fx-signals.com)
Golden SX Plus (mindfire-systems.com)
Greg Cook - Sector Wiz Systems
Helix Strategy (foundertrading.com)
Hologram GBP-USD System (hologramsystems.com)
Hurst Channel Four 5 (theswingmachine.com)
iMark Strategy (talkingtools.com)
Impetus DayTrading System (tradingvisions.com)
Indicia Technologies Systems FOREX Trading Systems (indiciatechnologies.net)
Insight Strategic Investment Trader (mindfire-systems.com)
Jan Arps - Adam Reflection Indicator (janarps.com)
Jan Arps - Alpha Centauri (janarps.com)
Jan Arps' Swing Trader's Toolkit (janarps.com)
Joe Krut - English Channel (joekrut.com)
Joe Krut - Focal Point Trading System 2002 (joekrut.com)
Joe Krut - GearShift System (joekrut.com)
Joe Krut - SAFER 2005 Trading System (joekrut.com)
Joe Krut - Time Charger System (breakoutfutures.com-JKSystem.html)
John Clayburg - Belly Trader System (clayburg.com)
John Clayburg - Cyclone System (clayburg.com)
John Clayburg - Feeder Trader System (clayburg.com)
John Clayburg - JFC Real Time Target (clayburg.com)
Jurik Indicators (jurikres.com)
Kase StatWare 5.1 (kaseco.com)
KwikPOP 4.0 for TS8 + Manual (kwikpop.com)
Linda Raschke - LBR Edge
Little Big Horn System (mindfire-systems.com)
LongTerm Trading Systems (longtermtrading.com)
Magic Dots Trading System + ShowMe (magic-dots.com)
Market Profile (sirtrade.com)
MarketAxe Indicator Package (marketaxe.com)
MESA Sierra Hotel (mesa-systems.com)
Millenium 2000 Trading System (mindfire-systems.com)
MiniMax I & II for TS, TS8, Excel (breakoutfutures.com)
MoonTide S&P Sytem (daytradingforecasts.com)
MTPredictor for TS8 (mtpredictor.com)
Neural Scope Software + EL Open-Code (neuralscope.com)
NeuroSolutions Inidcators (neurosolutions.co.uk)
Nexgen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for TS2000 + Manual (24.06.2005) (www.nss-t3.com)
Nexgen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for TS8 + Manual (28.10.2006) (www.nss-t3.com)
Octane System (hungryhippo.com)
Optimax Level 3 1.2.5 (modus-novus.com)
Pegasus Trading System (pegasusfutures.com)
Pound Metrics (advanzteam.com)
R&W MasterSuite FOREX Trading Systems
R-MESA 5 (mesasoftware.com)
RC Conservative (rc3200.com)
RC Conservative 2 for TS8 open code (rc3200.com)
RC Miracles 2++ (rc3200.com)
RC Success 2 (rc3200.com)
Ready-Set-Go Trading System (longtermtrading.com)
Road Runner Strategy (roadrunnerstrategies.com)
Roy Kelly - Floor Traders Tools 8.2 for TS (roykelly.info)
Roy Kelly - Trend Pro 8.0 (roykelly.info)
Rumba System (dancewiththemarkets.com-Systems.html)
S&P 500 Trading System and Course (tradersinternational.com)
SAFIR-Xp 1.5 with Sirtrade2000 (sirtrade.com)
Scalper Pivot 3.5 open code (scalpersoftware.com)
Scalper Pivot Point 2.0 ShowMe (scalpersoftware.com)
Shockwave Trading System (hungryhippo.com)
SNIPER by Keener Capitol (keenercapital.com)
Spectrum Index Day Trading System (spectrumindextrader.homestead.com)
Squeeze Indicator (tradethemarkets.com)
SqueezePlay and TrendyWendy (impressivetrading.com-results.html)
Sunny Harris Complete Studies (moneymentor.com)
Synergy System (traderstech.net)
Tango (dancewiththemarkets.com-Systems.html)
THE GRAIL Abante Position Sizer (thegrailsystem.com)
THE GRAIL GGO with CASB 1.548 (thegrailsystem.com)
THE GRAIL Walk Forward Optimzer 1.4.036 (thegrailsystem.com)
THE GRAIL Walk-forward Optimizer for TradeStation
The Mystery System (pwafutures.com)
Thom Hartle - HPO Binary Indicator for TS8, FT4 (thomhartle.com)
Trading Alchemy Indicators (tradingalchemy.com)
Trend XP System (dream-trading.com)
Trilogy System (tradstation.com)
TSADD indicators (profsoftware.com)
TTM Indicators (tradethemarkets.com)
Universal LT & II Trading System (staffordtrading.com)
Vega SP System (Eric Maeder & Richard Best)
Walter Bressert's Profit Trader 7 for TS (walterbressert.com)
Wave Rider Trading System (longtermtrading.com)
MetaStock DVD
Metastock EOD 10
Metastock EOD 8.0
Metastock EOD 9.1
Metastock Pro 8.0 eSignal
Metastock Pro 8.0 Quote.com
Metastock Pro 9.0 eSignal
Cleanup v1.2 for Metastock
Convert2MetaStock v2.2 (trading-tools.com)
Delete Utility for Metastock
MakeMS v2.9 (mysite.verizon.net/pgerhart)
MetaFix v3.7 (mysite.verizon.net/pgerhart)
Metastock Data Time Convertor
Metastock-CSV Convertor
Metastock-OMZ Convertor
Overseer Data Ending Utility
Text2MS v1.21 (worldlynx.net/pgerhart)
MetaStock Addons
AlphOmega ElliottWaves v5.5 for Metastock (alphomegaew.com)
Murphy Morris Pattern Recognition Add-On for Metastock (murphymorris.com)
Nirvana Systems for MetaStock
Trade Oracle for MetaStock (tsagroup.com)
TrendMedium v2.5 for MestaStock (trendmedium.com)
TrendRider Trading System for MetaStock (stoxtrend.com)
Unsorted MetaStock Addons - 320 Mb.
Trading Courses DVD
Abe Cofnas - Successful Forex Trading (tradingmarkets.com)
Advantages of Direct Access Trading with Level II CD (tradingacademy.com)
Bird Watching in Lion Country - $69 (forex-trading-explained.com)
Bryce Gilmore - Trading to Win Course 2004 - $850 (wavetrader.com)
Charles Drummond Geometry (Lessons 11-30) (tedtick.com)
Daniel Ferrera - The Keys To Successful Speculation - $1500
Day Trade Forex Advanced Course (daytradeforex.com)
Day Trade Forex Beginner Course (daytradeforex.com)
Day Trade Forex Euro Fractal Course (daytradeforex.com)
Diamond Backtesting with Walk Forward Backtesting - $1200 (profsoftware.com)
Don Miller - Trading the Eminis for a Living, Video Course (donmillerqqq.com)
Dr. Van Tharp - Peak Performance Course for Investors and Traders (iitm.com)
Dr. Van Tharp - The How to Develop a Winning Trading System that Fits You (iitm.com)
Earik Beann - The Fibonacci Vortex Handbook - $89 (wave59.com)
Earik Beann - The Handbook of Market Esoterica - $495 (wave59.com)
Forex Trading - Get 20+ pips per day using MMTS System (korzec.ca)
FXCM Trading Course - EURUSD Trading Strategy Workshop (fxcm.com)
FXCM Trading Course - FX Power Course (fxcm.com)
FXCM Trading Course - GBRUSD Trading Strategy Workshop (fxcm.com)
FXCM Trading Course - Power Trading Course (fxcm.com)
G7 Forex System (forex-science.com)
Jack Schwager's Complete Guide to Designing and Testing Trading Systems (Lessons) (omegaresearch.com)
Joe Ross - AMBUSH Trading Method - $597 (tradingeducators.com)
Joe Ross - Andy's E-mini 40 - $597 (tradingeducators.com)
Joe Ross - Andy's E-mini Bar 60 - $597 (tradingeducators.com)
Joe Ross - ZANZIBAR Trading Method on Euro FX (tradingeducators.com)
Joe Ross - ZULU Trading Method - $597 (tradingeducators.com)
Kevin Haggerty - How I Trade Major First-Hour Reversals (tradingmarkets.com)
Kevin Haggerty - Sequence Trading Course - $795 (tradingmarkets.com)
Larry Connors - Trade the Connors Windows Strategy (tradingmarkets.com)
Larry Levin - Secrets to Emotion Free Trading Manual (secretsoftraders.com)
Larry Levin - The Secrets of Floor Traders (secretsoftraders.com)
Larry Williams - Inner Circle Seminar 2006 (adest.com.au)
Larry Williams - Million Dollar Challenge Seminar 2006 (adest.com.au)
Larry Williams - Picture Perfect 2006 (adest.com.au)
Larry Williams - Protege Course (adest.com.au)
Omega Research - Trading for a Living Seminar (omegaresearch.com)
Reversal Magic - A Trading Phenomenon (reversalmagic.com)
Surefire Trading Plans (secretoftrading.com)
The Handbook of Market Estoerica - $1495 (wave59.com)
Trade Rules - Trade the Bars not the Star (tradethebarsnotthestars.com)
Trading Books
Alberto Sabaini - Trading Toolkit Collection Vol.3. Gli Swing Chart Di W.D.Gann
Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living
Analysis of Time Series Structure. SSA and Related Techniques
Andrew Willis - The Insiders Guide to Trading the World Stock Markets
Ari Kiev - Trading to Win. The Psychology of Mastering the Markets
Barry Rudd - Stock Patterns for DayTrading and Swing Trading
Bernie Schaeffer - The Options Handbook. How to Supercharge Your Option Trading
Bill Williams - New Trading Dimensions
Bill Williams - Trading Chaos
Bruce Gilmore - Geometry of Markets (I, II)
Bryce Gilmore - Dynamic Time and Price Analysis of Market Trends
Charles Geisst - The Last Partnerships. Inside the Great Wall Street Dynasties
Charles Le Beau, David Lucas - Day Trading. Systems & Methods
Charlie Wright - Trading as a Business
Christoph Rauscher - Fundamentals of Spectrum Analysis
D.A Benthon - How to Act Like a CEO. 10 Rules for Getting to the Top and Staying There
David Allen - Geting Things Done. The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
David Dreman - Contrarian Investing Strategies. The Next Generation. Psychology and the Stock Market
David Hutton - Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis
David Landry - David Landry on Swing Trading
Don Hall - Pyrapoint
Don Hall - Pyrapoint for Ensign
Donny Lowy - The Penny Stocks Trading System, eBook
Edgar Peters - Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets
Edgar Peters - Fractal Market Analisis. Applying Chaos Theory to Investment and Economics
Edward Thorp - The Mathematics of Gambling
Elaine Scott - Stocks and Bonds. Profits and Losses. A Quick Look at Financial Markets
Eric Shawn - Paytrading. From $2000 to $1 Million in 10 Years...or Less
George Collins - Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis
George Friedlob, Lidia Schleifer - Essencials of Financial Analysis
George Pruitt - Building Winning Trading Systems with Tradestation (with CD)
George Soros - Interviews
George Soros - The Bubble of American Supremacy
Gerald Marisch - The W.D. Gann Method of Trading
Gillette Edmunds - Comfort Zone Investing
Gregory Morris - Candlestick Charting Explained. Times Techniques for Trading Stock and Futures
Halliker's Inc. - Gann Masters II
Harold Goldberg - The Power Index Method for Profitable Futures Trading
Howard Abell - Digital Day Trading. Moving from One Wininf Stock Position to the Next
Jack Schwager - Jack Schwager's Complete Guide to Designing and Testing Trading Systems
Jack Schwager - Jack Schwager's Guide to Winning with Automated Trading Systems (Course Manual)
Jack Schwager - Stock Market Wizards
Jack Schwager - The New Market Wizards
Jake Bernstein - Introduction to Technical Analysis
Jake Bernstein - No Bull Investing
Jake Bernstein - The Compleat Day Trader I, II
Jake Bernstein - Trade Your Way to Riches Now (Seminar)
James Langham - Planetary Effects on Stock Market Prices
Jay Kaeppel - The Four Biggest Mistakes in Futures Trading
Jea Yu - Guide to Electronic Trading. Day Trading Techniques of Master Guerrilla Trader
Jeff Cooper - The 5 Day Momentum Method
Jefrey Katz - The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies
Jesse Livermore - How to Trade Stocks
Jesse Livermore - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
Joe DiNapoli - Trading with DiNapoli Levels
Joe Ross - Electronic Trading TNT I - Gorilla Trading Stuff
Joe Ross - Electronic Trading TNT II - How-to-Win Trading Stuff
Joe Ross - Fundamentals of Corporate Finance. Vol I
Joe Ross - Futures Trading (German)
Joe Ross - Trading by the Book
Joe Ross - Trading by the Minute
Joe Ross - Trading Manual (Tips, Ticks, Strategies and Tactics for Traders)
Joe Ross - Trading Spreads and Seasonals
Joe Ross - Trading the Ross Hook
John Campbell, Luis Viceira - Strategic Asset Allocation
John Ehlers - Mesa and Trading Market Cycles
John Ehlers - Rocket Science for Traders
John Hill, George Pruitt - The Ultimate Trading Guide
John Hull - Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities. 2nd
John Murphy - Chart Pattern Recognition for Metastock
John Murphy - Intermarket Technical Analysis
John Murphy - Simple Sector Trading Strategies
John Murphy - Technical Analysis of Finacial Markets
John Paulos - A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market
John Piper - The Way to Trade
Johnatan Mun - Real Options Analysis Course. Business Cases and Software Applications
Jones Marchal - Learn To Day-Trade the E-Mini S&P 500. Simple-as-123
Joseph Mathai - Real-Time Systems Specification, Verification and Analysis
Joseph Rondione - Gold. Symmetrycs Trading Method
Jyh-Shing Roger Jang - Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing
Ken Wolff - Trading on Momentum. Advanced Techniques for High-Percentage Day Trading
Kenneth Shaleen - Technical Analysis & Options Strategie
Kim Charles - Swift Trader. Perfecting the Art of Day Trading
Larry Pesavento - Astro Cycles. The Trader's Viewpoint
Larry Pesavento - Fibonacci Ratios with Pattern Recognition
Larry Pesavento - Planetary Harmonics of Speculative Markets
Larry Pesavento - Profitable Patterns for Stock Trading
Larry Sanders - Trading Strategies
Larry Williams - How to Trade Better
Larry Williams - Long-Term Secrets to Short-Term Trading
Larry Williams - Million Dollar Stock Market Idea
Larry Williams - The Secret of Selecting Stocks for Immediate and Substantial Gains
Lawrence Cunningham - How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett
Leght Stevens - Essential Technical Analysis. Tools and Techniques to Spot Market Trends
Lico Reis - Dictionary of Financial and Business Terms
Linda Mead - Investing with Giants Tried and True Stocks that Have Sustained the Test of Time
Linda Raschke - Street Smarts
Louis Mendelsohn, John Murphy - Trend Forecasting with Technical Analysis
Ludwig Mises - The Theory of Money and Credit
Malcolm Robinson - An Introduction to Direct Access Futures Trading
Mark Boucher - The Hedge Fund Edge. Maximum Profit, Minimum Risk. Global Trading Trend Strategies
Mark Conway - Professional Stock Trading. System Design and Automation
Mark Douglas - Trading in the Zone
Mark Helweg, David Stendahl - Dynamic Trading Indicators
Mark Jurik - Computerized Trading. Maximizing Day Trading and Overnight Profits
Mark Mcrae - Sure-Fire Forex Trading
Martin Pring - Investment Psychology Explained, Classic Strategies to Beat the Markets
Martin Pring - Martin Pring on Market Momentum
Martin Weiss, PhD - Crash Profits. Make Money when Stocks Sink and Soar
Michael Mcdonald - Predict Market Swings with Technical Analysis
Michael Sincere - Understanding Stocks
Michael Turner - Daytrading into the Millenium
Money Management Strategies by John Wiley & Sons (don't know author)
Murray Ruggiero - Cybernetic Trading Strategies
Nassim Taleb - Dynamic Hedging. Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options
Nassim Taleb - Fooled by Randomness
Nauzer Balsara - Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders
Nina Golyandina - Analysis of Time Series Structure. SSA and Related Techniques
Paul Sarnoff - Jesse Livermore. Speculator-King
Perry Kaufman - Smarter Trading. Improving Perfomance in Changing Markets
Perry Kaufman - Trading Systems and Methods. 3nd
Peter Bernstain - Against the Gods. The Remarkable Story of Risk
Peter Steidlmayer - Steidlmayer on Markets. A New Approach to Trading
Peter Zhang - Exotic Options
Philippe Jorion - Financial Risk Manager Handbook. 2nd
Raj Jain - Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis Techniques
Ralph Vince - Portfolio Management
Richard Brealey - Fundamentals Corporate Finance
Richard Smitten - Trade Like Jesse Livermore
Richard Wyckoff - The Day Trader's Bible. Or My Secrets of Day Trading in Stocks
Richart Irwin - Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies. 2nd
Rober Prechter, Alfred Frost - Elliott Wave Principle
Robert Balan - Elliott Wave Principle
Robert Colby, Thomas Meyers - The Encyclopedia of Technical Market Indicators
Robert Deel - The Strategic Electronic Day Trader
Robert Fischer - Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders
Robert Jorgensen - Individually Managed Accounts an Investor's Guide
Robert Krausz - W.D. Gann Treasure Discovered Simple Trading Plans for Stocks & Commodities
Robert Miner - Dynamic Trading
Ryan Jones - The Trading Game
Sam Cross - All About...The Foreign Exchange Market in the Usa. Frs, 1998
Scott Carney - The Harmonic Trader
Sheldon Lin - Lecture Notes in Mathematical Finance
Steve Nison - Japanesse Candlestick Charting Techniques
Steven Achelis - Technical Analysis from A to Z
Steven Shreve - Stochastic Calculus and Finance
Sumner Levine - The Financial Analyst's Handbook. Only Market Timing and Technical Analysist. 2nd
Thomas Bulkowski - Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns
Thomas DeMark - DeMark on Day-Trading Options
Thomas Gebert, Paul Husgen - Candlestick Charttechnik (German)
Thomas Long - Owner's Handbook. New Trading Techniques Using Planetary Harmonics
Toby Crabel - Day Trading with Short Term Price Patterns and Opening Range Breakout
Tom Joseph - A Mechanical Trading System
Tom Joseph - Advanced Get. Applying Technical Analysis
Tushar Chande - Beyond Technical Analysis. How to Develop and Implement a Winning Trading System
Tushar Chande, Stanley Kroll - The New Technical Trader
Valluru Rao - C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic (Html Book)
Van Tharp - Special Report on Money Management
Van Tharp - Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
W.D.Gann - 45 Years in Wall Street
W.D.Gann - Forecasting
W.D.Gann - How to Trade, 1935
W.D.Gann - Master Calculator for Time Periods, 1955
W.D.Gann - Master Charts
W.D.Gann - Master Forecasting Method and Unpublished Stock Market Forecasting Courses
W.D.Gann - Method for Forecasting the Stock Market
W.D.Gann - Original Charting, 1936
W.D.Gann - Speculation a Profitable Profession. A Course of Instructions on Stocks. Volume 1
W.D.Gann - The Basis of My Forecasting Method
W.D.Gann - The Magic Word
W.D.Gann - Truth of the Stock Tape
Wall Street Courier - The eBook of Technical Market Indicators
Walles Wilder - The Delta Phenomenon or the Hidden Order in All Markets
Welles Wilder - New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems
William Eng - The Day Trader's Manual. Theory, Art, and Science of Profitable Short-Term Investing
William Mclaren - Gann Made Easy
William O'Neil - How to Make Money in Stocks. A Wining System in Good Times or Bad
Audio Books
Alan Farley - Mastering the Trade
Alexander Elder - Trading for a Living
Chuck Missler
George Soros - The Alchemy of Finance
Louis Rukeyser - Secrets of Great Investors
Luis Kaiser - Secrets of Great Investors
Drummond Geometry Lessons DVD with Tradestation Indicators (www.tedtick.com) - $100
R.S. of Houston Workshop - Top Futures Day Trading Course DVD (www.rsofhouston.com) - $50
Stock & Commodities Magazine CD 6.21 (www.traders.com) - $50
The Market Matrix Training Course on 3 CD's - $4000 (www.themarketmatrix.co.uk) - $100
Ultimate Trading Machine DVD - $995 (www.netpicksllc.com) - $100
CFA-FRM Exams CD (www.cfaexams.com, www.garp.com) - $50
TradeTheMarkets.com Online Seminar CD, August 2004 (www.tradethemarkets.com) - $50
Russian Trading Books DVD - $50
Adam Hewison - The Secrets of Profitable Trading with MarketClub
Adrienne Louis - Technique to Achieve Top Perfomance
Alan Farley - Targeting Profitable Entry $ Exit Points
Andy Green - Practical Tools to Enhance Your Trading
Angelo Namrevo, Katie Namrevo - Trading Made Simple
Bernie Schaeffer - The Ten Most Powerful Option Trading Secrets
Bill Kaiser - Successful Online S&P Day Trading
Bill Williams - Chaos: The New Map for Traders
Bill Williams - The Practical Fractal
Bill Williams - Should you speculate
Brett Steenbarger, PhDA - Trader's Guide to Self-Discipline: Proven technigues to improve Trading profits
Charles Le Beau - A New Look at Exit Strategies
Chris Johnson - Market Trading Tools: Finding the Edge
Chris Manning - Proven Chart Patterns: Key Indicators for Success in Today's Markets
Curtis Arnold - Using Pattern Probability to Trade with the Trend
David Lerman - Exploiting Volatily: Mastering Equity and Index Options
David Nassar - Foundational Analysis Selecting Winning Stocks
David Nassar - Day Trading Smart Right From The Start
David Stendahl - Effective Methods for Evaluate Trading Systems
David Stendahl - The Systematic Trader. Maximizing Trading Systems & Money Management
Denis Minogue - How to Build a Fortune Trading Stock Index Futures
Deron Wagner - Sector Trading Strategies. Turning Steady Profits Even In Stubborn Markets
Don Weienreiter - Hedging Your Stock Portfolio
Ed Downs - Winning Chart Patterns. 7 Patterns That Really Work
George Dagnino - Methodsto Predict, Plan for & Profit in Any Market Cycle
George Fontanills - Option Spreads Made Easy
Glen Ring - How to Capture Big Profits from Explosive Markets
Glen Ring - Building a Better Trader - Volume 1: Laying the Foundation
Glen Ring - Building a Better Trader - Volume 2: Building the Structure
Greg Capra - Intra-Day Trading Tactics
Jack Schwager - Winning Methods of the Market Wizards
Jack Schwager - Market Wizard Insights
Jake Bernstein - Mining for Golden Trading Opportunities
James Bianco - A Technician's View on the Hot Futures Markets
James Bittman - What You should Know About Long Term Investing
James Bittman - Superior Stock Selection: Picking the right stock for all your option trades
Jeff Cooper - Intra-Day Trading Strategies
Joe Duffy - Key Points to Profits
Joe Duffy - Spotting Solid Short-Term Opportunities
Joe Frey - The Fundamentals of Option Trading Basics
John Hill - Trading System Building Blocks: Proven Practices to Build, Test and Profit with Winning Trading Systems
John Hill, George Pruitt - How to Evaluate Systems
John Markman - Swing Trading Essentials
John Murphy - Simple Sector Trading Strategies
John Murphy - High Probability Chart Reading
John Najarian - Trade Like a Pit Bull
John Najarian - Gaining Optio Leverage Using Market Makers Tactics
Ken Trester - Option Trading Camp Video Course - 8 DVD
Larry McMillan - Option Trading Indicators and Patterns for Increasing Profits
Larry McMillan - Avoiding Option Trading Traps
Larry McMillan - Four Powerful Rules to Successful Option Trading
Larry McMillan - Reducting the Risk of Option Trading
Larry Williams - A Dose of Reality
Larry Williams - The Money Tree Course - 4 DVD
Larry Williams - The Next Step in Market Analysis
Lawrence Cavanagh - Option Screening: Finding Profitable Trades
Lewis Borsellino - Lessons from the Trading Trenches Tips Techniques and War Stories
Mark Cook - Avoiding common trading pitfalls
Mark Douglas - Fibonacci Trader Workshop
Mark Douglas - Mental Toughness
Mark Larson - 12 Simple Indicators that Really Work
Markt Schlagen - Wie Sie mit Technischer Analyse (Deutsche)
Martin Pring - Getting New Insights from Old Indicators
Martin Pring - Technical Analysis for Short-term Traders
Marty Kearney - LEAPS Trading Strategies: Powerful Techniques for Option Trading Success
Mike Halloran - Option Essentials
Mike Rocca - Commodities
Mitch Holland - When Technicals Become Fundamental Factors
Mitch Zacks - Discovering the Hot Stocks Early: Successful stock selection strategies
Murray Ruggiero, Jr. - Intermarket Analysis
Murray Ruggiero - Time Tested Trading Methods for Profit - 2 DVD
Peter Martin - Equities: A Broker's-Eye View to Understanding and Using the Key Technical Indicators
Price Headley - Using Option Charts to Time Trades & Boost Profits
Raghee Horner - ForeX Trading for Maximum Profit: The Best Kept Secret Off Wall Street
Rick Bensignor - Unlocking the Mystery of Trend Analysis
Rob Kepler - Fixed Income
Robert Prechter - Trading the Elliott Wave Indicator: Winning Strategies for Timing Entry & Exit Movies
Robert Prechter - Das Elliott-Wellen-Prinzip (Deutsche)
Ron Michaelsen - Roadmap To Riches
Ron Michaelsen - Futures Trading Superstars
Roy Habben - Putting Proabilities on Your Side
Roy Habben - Seven Sign Posts to Market Analysis Success
Roy Habben - The Mechanics of Futures Trading
Roy Shelton - Game Theory
Russ Wasendory - An Introduction To Trading Futures Online
Russell Sands - What I Learned from the Best Trader in the World
Russell Sands - I am a Turtle
Russell Wasendorf - Futures & Options from A to Z
Sheldon Knight - New Ways to Profit from Seasonal and Weekly Price Patterns
Sheldon Natenberg - Mastering Option Trading Volatility Strategies
Sherman McCellan - Timing the Market with Unique Indicators
Steve Briese - Commitment of Traders Analysis
Steve Briese, Clen Ring - Formula to a Fortune
Steve Poser - Elliott Wave
Sunny Harris - Trading 101: Starting Your Trading Program
Ted Tesser - Million Dollars Tax. Tips for Traders
Tom Cronin - How to Use Spreads to Construct a Trading Roadmap
Tom DeMark - Top Tudor Techniques
Tom Dorsey - Using Point and Figure Charts to Analyze Markets
Tom Grentille - Using Computerized Strategies to Trade Futures and Options
Toni Turner - A Begginer's Guide To Short Selling
Tony Ciccone - Option Spreads: Generating Exceptional Returns
Van Tharp - Disciplined Trading: How to Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom
Victor Niderhoffer - Getting in Tune with Trading
Wall Street Mentors - Teach Me To Trade - Video Seminar - 6 DVD
Walter Bressert - Using Cycles to Sell Tops and Buy Bottoms
William Dale - Foreign Exchange
William McLaren - Trading the Fast Moves for Maximum Profit
Jake Bernstein's - Trading Mind Software (Deutsche)
Erfolgreich mit der Trendfolgestrategie (Deutsche)
High Probability Option Trading: Calendar Spreads, CD (pristine.com)
Super Divergence BLUEPRINT CD (superblueprint.com)
Liverpool Group - Foreign Currencies CD
Liverpool Group - Futures Part 2 Section A & B CD
Liverpool Group - Speculating with Futures and Traditional Commodities Part 1, CD
Rohstoff & Asien Konferenz (Deutsche) - 2 DVD
The Complete Mastery Group Seminar Series, 3 CD
- Mastery Group: Zen Meditation & Insights for Enlightened Trading, CD
- Mastery Group: Secrets for Achieving TRADING PERFECTION, CD
- Mastery Group: A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan for ACTIVE TRADERS, CD
VTAD Trading Manual (Deutsche)
High Probability Option Trading: Seasonal Straddles, CD (pristine.com)
Trading Conferenz (Deutsche) - 2 DVD, CD
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