Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Easy Pickings

Hi Guest's and Students...
Easy pickings just had to be patient, and remember set-up's and Strategies that we see everyday.
We had more trades today in the Hotcomm room in a long time...they are better at seeing these set-up's in anticipation -- that way they pull the trigger without emotions playing such a big part of being a day trader. Just look at the chart and I'm sure you will see what we recognized as simple as 123 set-up's.
  • 10:30 Reverse which included the MA Strategy
  • A 1-2-3 top formation that we call an " M " Pattern. This was in the time zone where in the last two years the ES has pulled back. It was a piece of cake -- like taking candy from (whomever).
  • We had a great lesson on trading the triple tops...just by looking at the color of the candles, and then before we knew it we got the same pattern going back the other simple was that lesson.
The chart shows most of the trades we took today...check out our room and see what your missing.
Your Thoughts...
Just a thought...
He who believes ... is strong; he who doubts ... is weak. Strong convictions precede great actions.